Archiv der Kategorie: via G+
#Windows in HD. #lg #hd
#Windows in HD. #lg #hd Ultra Reality: What would you do in this situation? You won’t believe what the new LG technology, Ultra HD can do. Welcome to the Ultra Reality of LG. L This was posted on … Weiterlesen
Best #oculusrift reaction ever…
Best #oculusrift reaction ever. Oculus Rift Horror Game – WORST JUMP SCARE?! – Alone In The Rift Oculus Rift Alone In The Rift ► Click Here To Subscribe! ► This was posted on Google+…
How come a channel by a Swede ga…
How come a channel by a Swede gamer garners more subscriptions (currently 12,709,603) and views (latest video 922.340 views after 11 hours!) than some of the most prolific and prominent YouTube celebrities (mTV, NBA, Eminem…) ? For more stats see … Weiterlesen
+Pewdiepewpie made his appearan…
+Pewdiepewpie made his appearance in PBS' Game/Show about "Let's play videos".I discovered Pew a couple of weeks ago and have to say this is some seriously great game-hosting. Entertaining, authentic and downright bat-sh*t at times. I wonder if I will ever … Weiterlesen
Interesting premise… VR and A…
Interesting premise… VR and AR glasses via your very own smartphone – for less than 100 Dollars. Even though it is still a #kickstarter project we can clearly see how the #oculusrift and Google's #googleglass have already changed the … Weiterlesen