Archiv des Autors: Arno Selhorst

As #society  becomes more and m…

As #society  becomes more and more that of #staged   #events , places and people you can't blame the common folks to re-enact the world around them, a world derived from screens and the tabloids day in – day out. … Weiterlesen

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#mothership   #mothers  

#mothership   #mothers   3 Queens a celebration of 3 stay at home moms in 3 different regions of the country … director: matt biele This was posted on Google+…

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Lulz… This was posted on Google+…

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This is so exciting to see all t…

This is so exciting to see all that us-high-tech surveilance equipment located almost just around the corner. Frankfurt: An American Military-Intel Metropolis By Christian Fuchs, John Goetz, Frederik Obermaier, Bastian Obermayer and Tanjev Schultz Espionage, Logistics, Attacks Orchestrated from the … Weiterlesen

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I am missing spring.

I am missing spring. This was posted on Google+…

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