About 17 years ago +Frank Fremer…

About 17 years ago +Frank Fremerey and me used to venture into the depths of the internet. We set out on offering an internet "school" in order to evangelize the seemingly endless possibilities of a global, interconnected computer communications network.

I offered workshops to show fellow students how we could air our student radio via mp3 streaming over the web. Something which seemed quite crazy at that time.

It was a time when reading +WIRED magazine was still avant-garde in Germany and I drank every drop of their Cool-Aid.

Looking back and reading the concept which I linked below feels both amusing and encouraging for future endeavors. Who would have known how great and at the same time sometimes scary the web and its netizens would turn out to be?

To the next 17 years!

A lot of people want to be on the internet, a lot of people are on the internet, only a few really utilize the internet. The internet is mostly seen as something fashionable. Those who take part are, at least in Germany, university-staff, students, academics, some computer-kids and subscribers …
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