Portal 2 – Meet The Cores

A short Portal film, loosely made in the style of a Team Fortress 2 ‚Meet The Team‘ video. Featuring several of the favourite cores, and a couple of new ones!

Made over 3 weeks in my spare time.

This started as a very quick visual test, but grew into something a little bigger. I’m not 100% happy with it, but it was a good learning experience! It’s supposed to be a half-documentary, half-cinematic style short; hopefully that comes across! There are also a few things I wanted to add to this, but I’ll probably save them for later videos! ;)


| Created by | Editing | Animation | Music |
Harry Callagan – http://www.youtube.com/user/Harry101UK

| Personality-Core 3D Model Rig | Ego Core Design |
Gleb Lvov – http://www.youtube.com/user/22CaliburArmadillo

| Rusty | Glitchy Cores |
Christopher Thomson – http://www.youtube.com/user/comedychris07

|Ego Core |
Sean Oxspring – http://www.youtube.com/user/ThePropahJobCrew

| Other Music |
Valve / Mike Morasky
Tobuscus (Dramatic Song Theme)


VFX Breakdown – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0W98bSAuxY


Follow me if you want: =)





Software Used:

Video Editing – Adobe Premiere Pro CS5
Image Editing – Adobe Photoshop CS5
Animation | Rendering – 3DS MAX 12
Audio Editing – Audacity
Autotuning – Melodyne Studio 3
Music | Radio | Reverb Effects – Reason 5
Game – Portal 2 | Steam


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